Yearly ICD-10 Code Usage from Hospital Admitted Patient Care Activity in England
Yearly summary of 4-character ICD-10 code usage from 1st April 2013 to 31st March 2024. The code usage represents the annual count of all episodes which record the given ICD-10 code in any primary or secondary position. Restricted codes for which annual usage is not published have been removed. Yearly summary of 4-character ICD-10 code usage from 1st April 2013 to 31st March 2024. The code usage represents the annual count of all episodes which record the given ICD-10 code in any primary or secondary position. Restricted codes for which annual usage is not published have been removed.
A data frame with 135,951 rows and 5 columns:
- start_date
Start date of code usage count
- end_date
End date of code usage count
- icd10_code
The 4-character ICD-10 Code. Note that the punctuation from the code has been removed for compatibility with OpenCodelists.
- usage
Annual count of code usage.
- description
Description of the ICD-10 Code
# Filter to codes in the ICD-10 Chapter XIX: "Injury, poisoning..."
# (codes begin with letters "S" or "T"), with usage > 10,000.
# For each of these, select the year with the highest count.
icd10_usage |>
dplyr:: filter(grepl("^[ST]", icd10_code) & usage > 10000)|>
dplyr:: group_by(description) |>
dplyr:: slice_max(usage)
#> # A tibble: 82 × 5
#> # Groups: description [82]
#> start_date end_date icd10_code description usage
#> <date> <date> <chr> <chr> <int>
#> 1 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 T812 Accidental puncture and laceration du… 23982
#> 2 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 T784 Allergy, unspecified 10214
#> 3 2018-04-01 2019-03-31 T860 Bone-marrow transplant rejection 13927
#> 4 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 T310 Burns involving less than 10% of body… 14410
#> 5 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 S001 Contusion of eyelid and periocular ar… 25842
#> 6 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 S800 Contusion of knee 11954
#> 7 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 S400 Contusion of shoulder and upper arm 14177
#> 8 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 T813 Disruption of operation wound, not el… 27140
#> 9 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 S324 Fracture of acetabulum 11339
#> 10 2022-04-01 2023-03-31 S021 Fracture of base of skull 12294
#> # ℹ 72 more rows
# Filter to codes present in the CPRD Aurum ICD-10 pregnancy codelist.
# This codelist is available in
codelist<- read.csv(
icd10_usage |>
dplyr:: filter(icd10_code %in% codelist$code)
#> # A tibble: 5,189 × 5
#> start_date end_date icd10_code description usage
#> <date> <date> <chr> <chr> <int>
#> 1 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 F530 Mild mental and behavioural disorders… 4206
#> 2 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 F531 Severe mental and behavioural disorde… 559
#> 3 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 F538 Other mental and behavioural disorder… 17
#> 4 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 F539 Puerperal mental disorder, unspecified 185
#> 5 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 O000 Abdominal pregnancy 73
#> 6 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 O001 Tubal pregnancy 9224
#> 7 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 O002 Ovarian pregnancy 239
#> 8 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 O008 Other ectopic pregnancy 847
#> 9 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 O009 Ectopic pregnancy, unspecified 1877
#> 10 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 O010 Classical hydatidiform mole 278
#> # ℹ 5,179 more rows
# Filter to codes in the ICD-10 Chapter XIX: "Injury, poisoning..."
# (codes begin with letters "S" or "T"), with usage > 10,000.
# For each of these, select the year with the highest count.
icd10_usage |>
dplyr:: filter(grepl("^[ST]", icd10_code) & usage > 10000)|>
dplyr:: group_by(description) |>
dplyr:: slice_max(usage)
#> # A tibble: 82 × 5
#> # Groups: description [82]
#> start_date end_date icd10_code description usage
#> <date> <date> <chr> <chr> <int>
#> 1 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 T812 Accidental puncture and laceration du… 23982
#> 2 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 T784 Allergy, unspecified 10214
#> 3 2018-04-01 2019-03-31 T860 Bone-marrow transplant rejection 13927
#> 4 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 T310 Burns involving less than 10% of body… 14410
#> 5 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 S001 Contusion of eyelid and periocular ar… 25842
#> 6 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 S800 Contusion of knee 11954
#> 7 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 S400 Contusion of shoulder and upper arm 14177
#> 8 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 T813 Disruption of operation wound, not el… 27140
#> 9 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 S324 Fracture of acetabulum 11339
#> 10 2022-04-01 2023-03-31 S021 Fracture of base of skull 12294
#> # ℹ 72 more rows
# Filter to codes present in the CPRD Aurum ICD-10 pregnancy codelist.
# This codelist is available in
codelist<- read.csv(
icd10_usage |>
dplyr:: filter(icd10_code %in% codelist$code)
#> # A tibble: 5,189 × 5
#> start_date end_date icd10_code description usage
#> <date> <date> <chr> <chr> <int>
#> 1 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 F530 Mild mental and behavioural disorders… 4206
#> 2 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 F531 Severe mental and behavioural disorde… 559
#> 3 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 F538 Other mental and behavioural disorder… 17
#> 4 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 F539 Puerperal mental disorder, unspecified 185
#> 5 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 O000 Abdominal pregnancy 73
#> 6 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 O001 Tubal pregnancy 9224
#> 7 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 O002 Ovarian pregnancy 239
#> 8 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 O008 Other ectopic pregnancy 847
#> 9 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 O009 Ectopic pregnancy, unspecified 1877
#> 10 2023-04-01 2024-03-31 O010 Classical hydatidiform mole 278
#> # ℹ 5,179 more rows